This week, I am challenging Floridians to show their love for law enforcement through our Hearts 4 Heroes Challenge. The challenge is a simple way to show appreciation for those who risk their safety to protect ours.
To participate, simply record a video, take a photograph or snap a selfie of an act of kindness—or giving of a small gesture—for an officer and post on Twitter using the hashtag #Hearts4HeroesChallenge. It can be as easy as giving a smile and a handshake or saying thank you for their service to show appreciation. Along with the post, I recommend tagging a friend to keep the challenge going.
I began the Hearts 4 Heroes Challenge during my visit to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office by thanking the LCSO deputies and officers of the Lady Lake Police Department for their service and giving out candied conversation hearts.
Our law enforcement officers put their lives at risk daily and along with their noble profession, comes a great deal of stress. With the rise in fallen officers nationwide over the past few years, I want Florida to continue showing support for our brave law enforcement heroes.
The more people who participate in this challenge, the more our law enforcement heroes will feel loved and appreciated. So now through the end of the month, take a moment to join our challenge and do something nice for an officer in your community. To keep up with all the posts, search #Hearts4HeroesChallenge on Twitter. By supporting our law enforcement officers, you can help us build a Stronger, Safer Florida.
To participate, simply record a video, take a photograph or snap a selfie of an act of kindness—or giving of a small gesture—for an officer and post on Twitter using the hashtag #Hearts4HeroesChallenge. It can be as easy as giving a smile and a handshake or saying thank you for their service to show appreciation. Along with the post, I recommend tagging a friend to keep the challenge going.
I began the Hearts 4 Heroes Challenge during my visit to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office by thanking the LCSO deputies and officers of the Lady Lake Police Department for their service and giving out candied conversation hearts.
Our law enforcement officers put their lives at risk daily and along with their noble profession, comes a great deal of stress. With the rise in fallen officers nationwide over the past few years, I want Florida to continue showing support for our brave law enforcement heroes.
The more people who participate in this challenge, the more our law enforcement heroes will feel loved and appreciated. So now through the end of the month, take a moment to join our challenge and do something nice for an officer in your community. To keep up with all the posts, search #Hearts4HeroesChallenge on Twitter. By supporting our law enforcement officers, you can help us build a Stronger, Safer Florida.

In The News
Ashley Moody Launches Social Media Effort to Thank Florida Law Enforcement Officers, Florida Daily
Attorney general visits with local law enforcement officers in The Villages, Villages-News
State attorney general honors local officers, The Villages Daily Sun
‘Possibly illegal behavior’: Ashley Moody blasts GoFundMe after Freedom Convoy flip-flop, Florida Politics
Gov. DeSantis, AG Moody hold roundtable discussion on immigration, FOX 13 Tampa Bay
Florida AG Moody, Hillsborough County Sheriff Arrests Home Health Care Owner On Medicaid Fraud, The Free Press (Tampa)
Protecting Floridians
Attorney General Moody Announces Arrest of Business Owner for Stealing Thousands from Medicaid Program

Attorney General Ashley Moody’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, with the assistance of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, arrested a business owner for stealing thousands of dollars from the Florida Medicaid program. Rasheia James owned a home health care service company that provided services for Medicaid recipients. According to the investigation, James knowingly created and submitted falsified documents to Medicaid for services not rendered. James allegedly billed Medicaid more than $9,600 for services never provided to customers that needed health and personal support care.
Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “Owning and operating a company that cares for patients is a noble endeavor—but abusing that ownership to defraud the Medicaid program out of thousands of dollars is shameless. Not only did James lie and falsify documents, but she intentionally stole taxpayer funds for personal benefit. I am thankful for my Medicaid Fraud Control Unit stopping this scheme and our statewide prosecutors will now hold her accountable.” Read More
Attorney General Moody Prevails in Long Legal Battle with Federal Government Over Cruise Industry Lockdown

Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “As the court said, Biden’s industry-wide shutdown was, ‘breathtaking, unprecedented and acutely and singularly authoritarian.’ Furthermore, his draconian order had a very real impact on thousands of Floridians who were just trying to feed their families. I am proud to stand with Governor DeSantis against the shuttering of our cruise industry, and declare victory over a federal government that has proven time and time again that it has no qualms about exceeding its authority—even when it prevents hundreds of thousands of Americans from working.” Read More
Governor Ron DeSantis, Faith Leaders, and Pedro Pans: Biden Border Crisis is Harming Children

“I am honored to fight alongside Governor Ron DeSantis as we protect Floridians from a federal government that violates its own immigration laws and intentionally makes this country less safe,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody. “Florida stands united against crime, lawlessness, and a federal government that is using taxpayer funds and clandestine means to flood our state with unvetted, illegal immigrants—all while keeping our leaders in the dark about who is being relocated to our state.” Read More
This week, Attorney General Ashley Moody participated in a roundtable discussion in Miami with Gov. Ron DeSantis, Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez, Cuban-American leaders, faith leaders and community stakeholders to address how failed immigration policies at the nation’s southwest border are impacting Florida. To watch the roundtable discussion, click here.

Attorney General Moody, alongside Gov. DeSantis, Lt. Gov. Nuñez and children of Operation Pedro Pan, on a tour of the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora in Miami. The museum features an exhibit dedicated to Operation Pedro Pan, an airlift mission from 1960-1962 that helped Cubans escape from the communist Castro regime to the prosperity and freedom in the United States.